Monday, December 29, 2014

Agitating Dirty

In “Holder and Obama are making race relations worse, inflaming hatred”, John Fund and Hans Von Spakovsky point out that one Alfred Sharpton has become the new Civil Rights Leader, even though he is
[f]ar from becoming the “refined agitator” his apologists now claim him to be [and] is the same racial charlatan and rabble-rouser of the past using slightly new tricks.  
Looks like the same one to me too — with a lap-band and a less flamboyant conk.

Every now and then, I still see non-black conservatives exhort black persons to “stop listening to Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton” and to “get new leaders,” or something similar. It would be good advice, if it were true that black person had voted for or, somehow, appointed such persons to “lead us” in the first place.

But we did not. So where do these people come from?

Sharpton has been a hilariously awful commentator for MSNBC for a bit. But even before that, MSNBC, CNN and even Fox News had been sticking microphones under him and other "civil rights leaders" as the go-to guys--and sometimes girls--as if they were the go-betweens for "the black community" and the rest of America.

I call Bravo Sierra.

“Civil rights leaders” never just spontaneously came to the fore; they are and have always been created. The rise in the fortunes--literally and figuratively--of Sharpton  should be proof of this. (And, as it turns out, Sharpton has always hidden backers, later revealed.)

 Even the concept of a civil rights leader is a created one. But, ‘agitator’ is better because it is more descriptive. The word makes me think of that part inside your washing machine--the constant spinning and the noise-making. And that’s where the comparison ends.

No one will be made clean and whole by Al Sharpton's latest product. And his most recent backers are far from hidden.

It all depends on whether you will allow yourselves to see it.

Read my column at Da Tech Guy Blog on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

And please contribute to Juliette’s Projects: A Roof Over My Head, my new novel, this blog, and my Internet--to keep them going and to the COFFEE fund to keep me going!

Adopting the New Tagline and Shaking Off the Old One

I changed my tagline to reflect my personal philosophy of work. The old one--Member of the Funny Name Club--was inspired by something that the president said back when he was a candidate, and, while I thought I thought it was pithy--especially considering the differences between his political philosophy and mine--it was time to change it. There was too much baggage in it; bigoted baggage that I don't carry.

The new tagline was inspired by the demand by certain elements that others "give" them jobs--a constant refrain that bothered me and, for a while, I couldn't put my finger on why I was bothered. Then, the Eureka! moment came: the giving was expected, whether the recipient had earned it--through education and/or experience--or not.

Creating one's own job seems radical, but it isn't. we see it happen everyday. It's just that Americans have come to expect other people to give them jobs, something which may contradict Jesus' Parable of the Talents.

My problem has been lack of confidence and fear: would anything I write make a difference? Would I be ridiculed for my rather quirky way of expressing myself? But those rhetorical questions reflect something I've been railing against for years: pride and fear. I guess it's true that people criticize that which they dislike about themselves.

My job--my talent--is to write and I can still freely do that, so I will.

Speaking of that, I started a Dollar-Off Sale for my book, which will last until tonight. If you're interested, go buy. Remember, if you buy the paper version from me (and not Amazon), it will be autographed.

Read my column at Da Tech Guy Blog on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

And please contribute to Juliette’s Projects: A Roof Over My Head, my new novel, this blog, and my Internet--to keep them going and to the COFFEE fund to keep me going!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Re-Done Book Site

I've had several book sites, but this one is a blessing and an early Christmas present from a long-time blog friend. I have several of those also; some I've met in person others I haven't, like this one. And I marvel at each one of them: people I would never have met hadI not started blogging back in 2003.

I'm still working on the site, but a gentleman named Tyrone Steels II has done all of the hard work.

Meanwhile, if you need to buy a last-minute Christmas gift or a belated one, my novel, Tale of the Tigers: Love is Not a Game would do nicely. Remember, if you buy the paperback from me (rather than Amazon), it will be autographed. All CD buyers receive a little note also.

Merry Christmas!

Read my column at Da Tech Guy Blog on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

And please contribute to Juliette’s Projects: A Roof Over My Head, my new novel, this blog, and my Internet--to keep them going and to the COFFEE fund to keep me going!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The First Step--Stop Fooling Yourselves

At, some point, black Americans, you're going to have to let go of it. What is "it?"

It's your worship of blackness. 

Both you and I know that you worship it. And those of you who do demand that others do so as well. And if they refuse, you call them racist--or self-hating if they have any discernable black African descent.

Worshiping of race--and of tribe--is one of the worst forms of idolatry that there is. And all idolatry is Devil worship.

When alleged Christian pastors who are black promoted the candidacy of abortion-promoting Barack Obama,
When alleged Christian congregations which are mostly black fire their pastor for criticizing Barack Obama,
When black people riot over a young black criminal who caused his own demise,
When there is almost no activism over the tens of thousand of black people killed by other blacks every year.
When there is no mention of the gangs of black teenagers who terrorize white persons in dozens of cities and who have been doing so for years,
When a blackness-worship ambushes a pair of polices officers and murders them and, as a result, black people celebrate,

It's idolatry.

I wish some of you would stop playing around in churches and just join the organizations that openly admit to worshiping blackness. Stop being cowards.

And it may seem that the Organized Left (OL) worships blackness also. But it doesn't. The OL is merely using you--the indoctrinated worshipers--towards its own end: destruction of this nation-state. And, as a side benefit toward the OL's ends, it will result in your (our) extermination.

Jesus the Christ said that, immediately prior to the Last Days, nation would rise against nation. He was referring to tribal/racial conflict, but He also warned His followers to not be deceived by it. But it seems to me that those who are not His true followers are prone to being deceived by it, especially those who claim or pretend to put Christ first.

If you put you race before Jesus the Christ, you are not a Christian, no matter what you call yourself. You might as well become a Ba'al worshiper, or, considering the rate of black abortion, a Moloch worshiper.

Let your pride go now and make a real turn to Christ. Or, at the very least, stop worshiping your own carcasses. 

In the end, it will happen anyway, but do you want that end to be like Michael Brown's or Ismaaiyl Brinsley's? If not, wake up!

Read my column at Da Tech Guy Blog on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

And please contribute to Juliette’s Projects: A Roof Over My Head, my new novel, this blog, and my Internet--to keep them going and to the COFFEE fund to keep me going!

Monday, December 22, 2014


Originally posted at Da Tech Guy Blog on December 16, 2014. 

As you know, I normally post a monthly digest from my columns there and this one will a part of the December 2014 digest. But I felt that my readership here might want to know how it's going.

My surroundings have changed drastically. After the foreclosure and selling of my home, the moving/storage of the large and/or precious items, the selling and giving away of other items, and the theft of one item, it is finally done.

I suppose I should feel sad, but I don’t. The house had belonged to my great-aunt who passed away in 2012 and I had spent the first part of my childhood there. I miss it but I don’t feel despair. Still owned by me: many, many pictures, crystal stemware, semi-fine china. There’s even a huge old-school stereo with a record player and a reel-to-reel “tucked” away in my storage space.

But all of this—including the theft—forced me to ponder the nature of things and their transient nature. My auntie could take none of her things with her into next life, and my next life—while not dimensionally different from the last one—will, I think, be a little bit different spiritually. At least I hope that will be so.

I’m no longer in South Central Los Angeles and in a temporary space behind the Mount Wilson Curtain (Glendale) and that is automatically different. A goodly portion of the population are of Persian and Armenian descent and it just occurred to me that many of these people either fled persecution in their home countries or are descended from those who did. Christians and Jews.

So I am among friends, at least I hope so.

Here’s a view from my window.

Page turned.

Read my column at Da Tech Guy Blog on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

And please contribute to Juliette’s Projects: A Roof Over My Head, my new novel, this blog, and my Internet--to keep them going and to the COFFEE fund to keep me going!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

To Hell with Thieves (UPDATED)

Someone who offered to help me clean out my garage, just stole my iPad. It has a lock code on it, and I don't think that there's anything he can do other than post things in my name until it locks up. But...

You who took my property, you know who you are. Bring it back or else. Oh I'm not going to do anything to you. But watch out for God.

Excuse me while I change my passwords.

UPDATE: It pays not to panic. Darmon Thornton  reminded me that iPads and iPhones can be remotely found and locked. So that's what I've done.

Read my column at Da Tech Guy Blog on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

And please contribute to Juliette’s Projects: my new novel, this blog, my Internet--to keep them going and to the COFFEE fund to keep me going.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Mini Fundraiser--the Payback

My cousin, Tracy Allen, asked her husband to loan me his van so that I can take care of moving. I had professionals get the big stuff, by they would take none of the crystal or china --still for sale--or any other breakables, so I had to take care of that myself. The van came in very handy.

However, Jeff Allen is an independent business man and he was offered business today, but could not take it because I have his method of transportation. And here's something else: I hit his passenger-side mirror-housing. I don't even know what I tapped, but the housing is hanging off. (Question: is there a flash on an iPad?) UPDATE: Photo removed. Will take a better one of the boo-boo in the daylight.

So I'm doing a modest fundraiser for Jeff and created a button specifically for that purpose. Please add that you are donating to the reimbursement of Jeff Allen's business loss: $250 and a something the get his mirror-housing fixed. We'll do this for five days.


Look at this (my third van-load)!

Doesn't look much different from this, does it? :::ponders the nature of useless crap::::

Read my column at Da Tech Guy Blog on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

And please contribute to Juliette’s Projects: my new novel, this blog, my Internet--to keep them going and to the COFFEE fund to keep me going.