Friday, November 14, 2014

Bleg: Changes in My Life (UPDATE: Goal and Grateful)

Here's the situation: I lost my house and I am moving. I have roughly enough for the first and last on rent, but I need moving and storage fees (across town, behind the Mount Wilson Curtain, close to my church) and utilities. I have two weeks. Oh and also, my gas is turned off and I'd like to have it back on at least while I'm here in the house.
Here's one way I can both earn my moving/storage fees and lessen their potential amount: I'm selling several items on Craig's List. Surely someone in the LA area needs a treadmill.

To see the other items I'm selling over there, click on More Ads By This User.

Other ways to fund this move: buy my book--a lot of copies.
Paperback (link really fixed this time; you can get it at Amazon, but if you get it at this link, it will be autographed).
Ebook (also at Amazon).

Or donate.

To be honest, I always feel a little uncomfortable doing this. Then, when I read about this latest Provoker of Outrage--Jonathan Gruber, who was paid $400,000 of taxpayer money to lure Americans into Obamacare--I feel a little bit less like a beggar. At least you know what you're getting if you help me and I'm not strong-arming you.

Yes, I'm still writing Arlen's Harem, though I will likely change its focus and its title. In the meantime, please help me keep warm while I prepare to say goodbye to an old friend.

UPDATE: Love to all who have contributed and have bought books! And my gas bill is paid for, along with my Internet bill...

I suppose that I should set a top goal, so I will: $2000. The good news: I'm almost halfway there!

Blog plan at least for the next few days: the joys and pain of moving. And don't forget to check out my column at DaTechGuyBlog Saturdays and Tuesdays. I may be busier than usual for the next few weeks, but I won't be shirking my duties.

UPDATE: Re-edited the post and fixed some links. One of the things I will be able to do now: get one of my laptops fixed. Editing posts on a pad or on a Windows XP Desktop is difficult.

UPDATE: Paperback link really fixed this time. Where did all that extra code come from?

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