Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Baldilocks Road Trip: First Video for

I created the campaign two days ago and I plan to give a daily update. The trip will have to begin in September, because I have to be in town for the next couple of weeks; I'm ready to get out of here now! Click here to donate or you can do it the usual way (below).

Every Tuesday and Saturday, I blog at the award-winning DaTechGuyBlog. Latest posts: On Loyalty

When you hit the Tip Jar, it helps pays for: A Roof Over My Head, Food, Gasoline, Car Insurance, the writing of My Next Book(s), and Utilities--especially Internet and COFFEE! Yes, coffee is a utility.

Friday, August 10, 2018

About Sarah Jeong's Hatred

So, I'm testing the new-to-me method of blogging. Twitter blogging.
There are 12 tweets in the string. I think regular readers of this blog will find my take interesting.

If clicking a Twitter link is against your religion, go here.

Must diversify the signal!

Every Tuesday and Saturday, I blog at the award-winning DaTechGuyBlog. Latest posts: History Repeating in Africa?.

When you hit the Tip Jar, it helps pays for: A Roof Over My Head, Food, Gasoline, Car Insurance, the writing of My Next Book(s), and Utilities--especially Internet and COFFEE! Yes, coffee is a utility.