Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Banishing the Voice of the Enemy

When I published and shared the last post in this series, initially I received very little feedback – “likes” and a few comments. It came only from those who I know follow my blog closely and/or are like-minded spiritually. I had that Gideon moment that I’ve often had over the years that I’ve been blogging.

“What’s the use?”

“No one is reading.”

“No one cares about this.”

You’d think by now that I’d recognize the whispers from the Adversary and that these would be especially recognizable, considering the overarching topic of my series. But it still took me a good half hour to banish the voice of doubt – the voice of dis-faith, as it were.

However, when I said that, if I received little to no feedback on the series, I would cut the series short, more people spoke up to say that they are looking forward to its continuation.

And one person asked, in private, the most pertinent question.

“Are you doing this for the feedback or are you doing this for God?”

The answer: I’m doing it because I think it’s what God wants me to do. I’ve kept a lot of this stuff bottled up, because I’ve found that I cared what other people thought more that I previously admitted to myself.

I’d like to shake the last vestiges of that dust off my feet. And the rest of me.

I know what I saw and what I heard.

Regarding the part of the series which will immediately follow, I reviewed the material this morning. It’s set up in the dry, boring fashion in the manner I originally documented – date, time, who and what. Therefore, it’s necessary to rewrite it in narrative form. Good thing that I have some experience there!

And, that’s what I’m up to today and, probably, tomorrow. I’m a perfectionist when it comes to story-telling.

So, be patient. The tale is already told.


The Heralding


On Bullies and Silence

Every Tuesday and Saturday, I blog at the award-winning DaTechGuyBlog
Latest post: Last Days of the European Christmas Markets and Family Conversation.

Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Gab and MeWe.

When you hit the Tip Jar, it helps pays for: A Roof Over My Head, Food, Gasoline, Car Insurance, the writing of My Next Book(s), and Utilities--especially Internet and COFFEE! Yes, coffee is a utility.

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